Veteran's Museum
The building history is an integral part of Elkhorn and Walworth County. The Rohleder family opened the first funeral home there in the later 1940's or early 1950's which was then sold to the Derksen family and finally sold to the Betts family in the 1970's. Although it was a funeral home for more than a half century, it was built as a private residence by John Harris in the mid-19th century. As a side note, in 1871 John Harris sold a Chicago cheese distribution business to two brothers, John and Fred Kraft. The Veteran's Museum in Heritage Hall is a place honoring the men and women from those generations who served and are serving in the armed forces of the United States of America. It is here that today's visitors as well as future generations can view military artifacts that were used by those who helped guard and preserve our freedom. Thanks to Korean War Veteran Bob Webster, other county veterans, County Administrator David Bretl, and the families of veterans, they now have a growing collection of military memorabilia dating from the Spanish American War to the present day military conflicts
EVP Evidence
The following files are believed to be evidence of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP), or unexplainable sounds or movement in rooms where no investigators were present at the time of the recording. Although we believe the files to be unexplainable, use your own scientific judgment to decide.
Child Sound
Odd Gurgle
Women Scream
Reply to Whisle
Video Evidence
The following is video evidence collected during our investigation. Make sure your volume is turned up, as some videos include unexplained noises.